Class Schedule

Hours of Operation
Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
School Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Saturday
Note: *These hours are subject to change without notice.
Instructional Schedule
Calstone College operates within the Quarter system. Each Quarter consists of 10 weeks of classes followed by the Final Examination Week.
The School Office is open during recess, except on School Holidays. Evening and Saturday classes are for make-ups and for students with special needs. Since these are intense classes, students must begin their training at the beginning of any quarter with other students, unless there are unusual circumstances.
Detailed instructional schedules per course/program, course outlines, along with schedule of fees for tuition, books, equipment, laboratory fees and other costs are found in their respective sections.
Credit Hours, Clock Hours
The School uses a Quarter Hour Credit System. The following ratios of clock to credit hours apply:
1 Quarter Credit Unit for every 10 lecture hours
1 Quarter Credit Unit for every 20 laboratory hours
1 Quarter Credit Unit for every 30 clock hours of supervised practicum.
To provide a comparison with other programs in other postsecondary schools, the course length is expressed in clock hours and number of weeks. A clock hour is defined as a period of sixty (60) minutes with a minimum of fifty (50) minutes of instruction, recitation, laboratory or other Calstone College related work.